Sunday, June 28, 2009


Midgetninja37: How do you like being a mod?
Primarygames: Its been great ive met alot of nice people.
Midgetninja37: Who is your best friend on chobots?
Primarygames: To many to pick just one.
Midgetninja37: What was your favorite experience of all time on chobots?
Primarygames: Probably the where in the world party- lots of fun :) although smiley hawk party was pretty cool.
Midgetninja37: final question is it anoying for everyone to be always asking to be an agent or for rain?
Primarygames: It gets tiring repeating things over and over again.
Midgetninja37: Ok thanks so much for your time :)
Primarygames: you're welcome.

P.S this was taken on Primarygames 200 birthday she made a little appearance in live stars park :)

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